Self-discipline is The only real self-indulgence Everything else is self-abnegation
Your mind Is playing a trick on you And you are the trick But since all healing Is a form of getting over yourself
I thought I was Playing to the crowd When all along I was getting Played by the crowd The crowd, it turns out
For twenty years people kept insis… that there was an elephant in the… but I just didn’t see it And then I realized I was the elephant
Dreams don’t come true; They are true
Every writer has mistaken his shotgun for a rifle– He may hit where he aims but he will also surely miss In discharging his will to power
A wise man once told me When you don’t know what to do do nothing A wise politician
Jews learned to read between the l… when time and again they were granted a lifetime membe… only to find that their membership could still be lapsed
Of what value Would be my love If I could not Give my life for it Our (patent) pending immortality,…
They couldn’t have been more obvio… in their preparations for the surp… trusting that I was the type loathe to ruin my own surprise
Because bodies make a fart joke of… etiquette used to dictate that whe… passed gas at, e.g., a dinner part… the polite thing to do was to pret… the fart never happened
A man wants the mother of his children to be a chef in the kitchen “imaginative” in the bedroom a shrink in the living room
The best way to prevent something from happenin… is to convince people that it already did
Life as we know it Is a competition for status In this competition Socialists are unequaled As are you and I
Everybody knows That everybody hates group project… But everybody is a group project Which is why everybody hates thems… Unless the group wisdom