Chris Gaither

The Sound of One Hand Clapping Is a Materialist Who Doesn’t Know How to Give a High Five

The saying goes
There’s no I in team
But there is a me
And it’s because
You give yourself to the team
But no one see an I
Because all eyes are focused on the prize
With materialism
You can spell me and team
But there’s also an I;
In fact, there’s two
These two I’s undermine selfless giving to the team–
The me in team–
By mutating desire’s natural form of
I want you–
Through which I marry the team–
And turning it into debased self-repetition:
I want what I want
Now, on a winning team
It’s not about you
Because you’ve already gotten what you need
Which is more than you ever wanted
But on a losing team
It’s not about anything
Because nobody gets what they want–
They get what they need
And they need to learn from their mistakes
One of which is believing that winning and losing
Has anything to do with wins and losses

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