I’m not afraid of jumping in front of a bus because I don’t want to jump in front of a bus I am afraid of
Once the cost of AI turns negligi… the world to come becomes inexorab… and as conditions grow unintelligi… just know that you and I are repli… into beings who are far more execu…
The left believes that the culture war can be won by winning elections The right believes that the culture war can be won
The culture war is a secret weapon in the class war which the haves use to keep the have nots
When I ask myself if I might be wrong, there’s a whole lot of red tape
Unconditional love is unbearable so there’s always at least one unspoken rule given to its recipie… Just don’t waste it on them
Would my dentist still want me to floss if he knew that’s how I justified not going to the dentist
You can’t learn to write because nobody knows quite how to… You can’t learn to network because everybody is already netwo… So when you pay tuition for a writ…
If there is one thing we can all agree on it’s moral certainty
Feminism’s big mistake is thinking it can use a power vac… to clean up the patriarchy’s mess
There were 102 passengers on the… So why only 101 dalmatians?
The pleasure of a new discovery is only exceeded by the satisfaction of making a recommendation
Writing history is hard especially when it’s about the past
There are only two questions: Are we asking the right question? and Who gets the last word?
If my peccadillos Are mere cigarillos Why is my hide as thick as an arma…