Chris Gaither

Ditch the Lexus; You’re a Nexus; God Connects Us

Seeing the Face of God in Others

We are connected
I think I am
A nexus
without a group
does not exist
Pandemic lockdowns
dissolved the groups
within which we exist
“In all, around 230,00 students
in 21 states and Washington, DC,
are missing.”
“These students didn’t move out of state,
and they didn’t sign up for private school
or home-school, according to publicly available data.
In short, they’re missing.”
It’s as if they vanished into thin air
Even worse:
“Gone is the urgency
to find the students who left...
Most such efforts have ended.”
We’ve forgotten they ever existed at all
because we’ve forgotten who we are to one another
And like the missing children
I no longer exists

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