It’s always a bad idea To admit you have no idea Put another way: No idea is a bad idea You get the idea
When your nuclear family of origin Takes the nuclear option They’ve already gone mad and self-… So, they’re counting on mutual ass… To finish the job
No one who desires to be good believes themselves good; all those who believe themselves g… do so in service of their true desire
There was a time when fools managed perceptions in order to manage reality, realists managed perceptions because they couldn’t manage reali…
If you pull my heartstring I’ll say one of eleven pre-recorded phrases but you can only hear the ones in the first four dimensions
When we restrict someone’s space i… we say that they are doing time implying that the rest of us are doing spacetime You do time
We call the end of sex the little… And the idea of casual sex Is as absurd as casual death
Not wanting to die We weren’t foolish enough To look God in the face Wanting to live forever We selectively remembered that Go…
The depths of despair will be alleviated to the degree of your depths of attachment
I am a minimalist if only because it requires minimal effort
God’s not buying it Until you own it– Are we clear?
We are only here for a short time So, you might ask What are we for? Believe it or not, we are for God Doubling down
I can love God forever Or I can have a beautiful bust of… And gaze upon it until I die Or, even better Upload the image of my bust to the…
Now Is not the time for Waiting to decide; Now Is the time for
If they were ever only attacking a… there’d be nor real need for the l… But the act of distorting an idea is always a pretext to the taking… So, you’ll know it’s a strawman fa…