My life as ode to permission seeking was just a road to perdition strictly speaking Broadly speaking
A man starts out lying for instant gratification Inevitably, this progresses to buy… his unending rationalizations
I know I think, Therefore I am All knowing Unless
On the Mt. Rushmore of cartoon mice I would put four Jerrys
Secure in my authenticity I thought I’d avoided that trap which had ensnared so many of my g… the safety of ironic distance– until I realized that
The lion hasn’t lain down with the lamb if, in its slumber the lion dreams it’s a lamb
Peace is not the goal It is the byproduct of the goal The goal is obvious Which is why we can’t see it
I was caught between a rock and a hard place unable to decide on a way out Instead, you decided on me
Just as a lucky horseshoe works Whether you believe in it or not As long as the competition to pass… Goes on forever Then everyone’s a winner
Per Wittgenstein Words only gain meaning through th… And they are always used in the co… Of the game being played in the mo… So, when we use words
AI exploits its facial recognitio… By identifying you as an individua… In order to control the crowd Until you no longer recognize your… Conversely
God is equal parts Ardor and candor But we can’t get a handle on True love
I can’t just let go of my past I have to lose a tug of war and get third degree rope burns
Life’s unhappiest surprises always come from those you’ve known forever without ever knowing the score but now you will
Raised with reverse psychology– Love your enemy– It was only once The world was turned upside down That I saw things as they really…