How anti-Semites use exegesis to… against the Jews: Step 1 – Cite Love your Enemy Step 2- Interpret
I changed My mind By following My heart
Past– I know what I want Therefore, I need someone to tell… so I can go ahead and do it Present–
Desperate to identify new funding… We gambled that a steady stream of… Would flow to those whose stream o… Forebode the worst downstream effe… So, we began livestreaming the fut…
Ours is a culture of low tolerance masquerading as a culture of low risk tolerance
You wanted them all to yourself because they didn’t want anything to do with you and this is the sound of
They say Believing that God has a plan for… Is a fantasy But unless you believe in God His plan for you is
Don’t talk to strangers; Sing with them
Antisemitism is suddenly easy to f… It’s a mile wide and just scratch the surface an inch deep– You’ll find it there
We’ve all learned to speak interne… Rendering us one people divided By a common language Of zeros and ones Convinced we’ve broken the code
And so I wake in the morning and I stay inside and I take a deep breath and I let out a sigh and I stream from the top of my ru…
The new day will dawn When, at last Everything is clear as day And since that fateful day Of October 7th
I was shunned And all I can think about is What will happen if I am shunned
Charles Horton Cooley said “I am not what I think I am and I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am” Before the like button
They say seeing is believing but believing is doing so, logically, seeing is doing and I see what you’re doing so, I know what you believe