Notice how the giraffe evolved so that its neck is precisely long… to reach the water when it bends d…
When I was a young man I couldn’t see the forest for the trees Now that I am old and wise I can’t see the forest
How anti-Semites use exegesis to… against the Jews: Step 1 – Cite Love your Enemy Step 2- Interpret
My wife sleeps on her back while I sleep in the mis– take prone position
The metaverse only took off once people realized that the only way to accrue status ther… was through displays of a toleranc…
All forms of life have an unconsci… sentient animals have developed co… to extend the unconscious’ operati… and human beings have developed la… to make consciousness the unconsci…
What is the internet? It’s not a thing in space and time It’s a nothing in timeless cybersp… You could represent it with– “The symbol zero denoting the abse…
I had previously asserted that The only thing bigger than my ego Is God’s plan for me This remains the case But I would add that
They say that it is impossible To travel at the speed of light But slow and steady Always wins the race Because it is actually
Instead of a scythe the mirthful reaper carried balloo… and we just floated away
They can’t kick sand in your face if your head is al– ready in the sand
A fair competition Is one in which No one can win So that everyone Has an equal chance
The crucial ingredient for random mutation to drive evolution is a surplus of time But nothing
We think nothing’s shocking since we’ve seen it all when really it’s because we’re blind to the obvious
People who enter a plea of I’m sorry if you were offended are bargaining for a sentence of time served reckoning they’ll have got off sco…