With the same hubris That got us into this mess In the first place We like nothing more than to decla… Global warming is man-made
The phrase A woman’s intuition Tells us that a woman Is more intuitive Than a man
We expect a fiduciary relationship with our financial advisors and all they do is help handle the money Yet we so often fail
The difference between being hungr… And being power hungry Is that hunger can be satisfied This is because God is
I was never one for playing the field but I was really good at standing on the sideline worrying over my equipment
Almost every student prefers and l… But will almost always take the vi… Because those classes are always e…
Unlike the erstwhile folks in acco… AI has a balance sheet for taste and determined that after their recent depreciation all jokes are in poor taste
Hell is a bottomless pit Making the first step towards heav… Hitting rock bottom I’m addicted to control And I’m handing control back to G…
The high strung flaneur gives free advice to the good and good advice to the free
Did we stop playing the long game because it is the wrong game or is it only the wrong game because we’ve long since stopped p… Or is asking that question more of…
People don’t like surprises so I tell them they’re in for a real surprise which gives them something to look…
Peace is not the goal It is the byproduct of the goal The goal is obvious Which is why we can’t see it
I’ve always been more interested in who wrote the book of self-love
Where once I feared death Now I fear that Death will be anticlimactic
One problem with civilization is that the people drawn to power are precisely those who lack it