Entire lives can be lived waiting for the other shoe to drop although often this just means you’re being crushed at a snail’s…
Breathe in not out
Given a choice We prefer A fait accompli
The three day seminar culminated with walking across smooth sea glass and still cutting our feet
The second half of life is a second chance to give as much as I have received
The kingdom of heaven is like two otherwise mediocre individuals making a great couple
Denial was a lot easier when your head was in the clouds but your memories were stored on microfiche
My mistake was Worrying they would throw me to th… Which is how wolves in sheep’s clo… Herd sheep I only escaped when I learned
Afraid that everything I wanted was nothing to write home about I was left with nothing to write home about
We are all of us unreliable narrators Some of us just make a living at it
I can’t guess your age but I can guess your age when you got that tattoo
Each question on the purity test concludes with the following promp… Which two answers are correct? And you always have the same four choices:
You could say I tried stand-up but for the audience it was more like when the flight attendant demonstrates how to put on your own oxygen mask…
The devil used to be a buyer of so… But now he’s a seller To the Big Five tech companies Because the money is just too good How does the devil sell
The true test of power today is whether or not you can be forced to accept a forced apology