For those who know the Solomon Grundy nursery rhyme
Could a time machine exist if it was built to fix the wrong because if we have a perfect past we wouldnt need one
The ruler sat upon his thrown His thrown of sand to all was know… His castle was feared far and wide As the strongest fortress near ocean side
I asked jane if I could kiss her But she said she suffered from a t… I asked Brooke out lots But her stomachs always in knots And with Claire I’ve always tried
I once met a man Who walked on his hands He’d sit on his head When too tired to stand He’d extend his leg
If I could invent one thing It would be a bubble blower I’d make myself a bubble friend And really get to know her I’d make myself some bubble boxers
Supposedly we all have demons And boy do I wish this were true I’d have these demons do my chores And all my homework too
He moved so very quietly Peeking through the blades of gras… Of the tribe of lion hunters He was the very last He leapt from the bushes
If you cant reach out to someone because a someones what you lack reach out to yourself because you’ll always have your ba…
A kid in class Who’s boredom grew Released an air plane And away it flew Down the hall
If you walk past me Oh, the things you would not know There’s plenty of stories and tale… If you stop to say hello
I climbed up a tree once Just to look out I sat and I watched As a bird flew about I looked down to notice
A poem of heart break anger and st… Is a poem created from the dark th… Don’t write of things that only ma… In order to feel better you must w… I do not wish to read of misery an…
The itsy bisty spider Came out the water spout Chased away my dog And drove my neighbors out I’ve stayed in this tree
It’s time I must go I’ll make this one quick Just flip the page If this one doesn’t stick
It human nature to hate the silenc… Since it’s only quite when your al… So surround yourself with many fri… And let sound fill your home