I made a 42 decker sandwich With every ingredient inside But upon seeing a tear was brought… And for days and days it sat as I… For I simply cannot open my mouth…
His pencil would not write No matter how much he would scold… “It’s not about the pencil boy” “It’s about the one who holds it”
My shadow and I Once played hide and go seek I closed both eyes Not once did i peek I counted to the highest number
As I walked through the woods I saw a heard of doe, doe, doe But I returned shortly As the ray, ray, rain began to flo… My job you ask me, me, me
If red means anger And blue is sad White is pureness And yellow is glad What does orange mean
The ruler sat upon his thrown His thrown of sand to all was know… His castle was feared far and wide As the strongest fortress near ocean side
Hello is this Houston It’s the man on the moon Yah life up heres great And theirs plenty of room I’ve found no life
There once was a man who’s home wa… His size so small he’d fit in your… Along one day came a great gust of… And lifted the poor man, and his h… Into the air and over the land,
Have you ever wondered How the clouds move along If you believe its the wind I’ll tell you that your wrong I sit behind these clouds
A poem of heart break anger and st… Is a poem created from the dark th… Don’t write of things that only ma… In order to feel better you must w… I do not wish to read of misery an…
They say if you shoot for the moon… You’ll just end up in the stars... But if stars are just burning gas The chances are you won’t get far.…
I am the one Who lives in your vents Its a rather nice life Not worrying about rent My favorite hobby is
Watch were you’re going Don’t stare at your feet For every smile that you pass Is one you’ll never meet
Carry a stamp if you need Carry markers, make sure they blee… Carry a pencil, a pen, a knife Carry these with you all of your l… Carry a chisel, carve in bark
I followed a map of treasure once, In hopes of finding gold, But instead of finding a fortune b… I undug a chest real old. I guess you could say I lucked ou…