I just witnessed a crime what do… Do I tell the cops what I had to… But I’m afraid if I do I’ll get… Since one had looked at me Oh well here it goes
Life’s like a puzzle With pieces thrown all about You have to put it together Until the pieces run all out Sometimes it’s finished
Yes I am a vampire But that does not mean I suck blo… I’m rather friendly give me a try There is no reason to run Now I beg you don’t fret
As I walked through the woods I saw a heard of doe, doe, doe But I returned shortly As the ray, ray, rain began to flo… My job you ask me, me, me
I am the one Who lives in your vents Its a rather nice life Not worrying about rent My favorite hobby is
Alone lived a man Who only drank glue The cause of his problems Is what no one knew As a child he’d get sick
I’ve decided to write a poem Where everything rhymed with time It would become a famous poem And the jealous would cringe As I called it mine
Could a time machine exist if it was built to fix the wrong because if we have a perfect past we wouldnt need one
If you mixed a alligator An otter and elephant You would think it bring absolute… To all the places that it went But I was wrong, so listen carefu…
If red means anger And blue is sad White is pureness And yellow is glad What does orange mean
It human nature to hate the silenc… Since it’s only quite when your al… So surround yourself with many fri… And let sound fill your home
Make a cake Don’t make a sigh Make a friend Don’t make a lie Make a plan
They said you can’t marry a comput… You’ll never be a pair But their all wrong, you won’t bel… All the memory that we share
Tommy glee sure loved his tree, They watched the sense together fa… Then came a time in mid October, Where the wind blew so hard his tr… It survived the storms but what to…
He gathered up used paper A broken mug and coffee pot A cracked plate, a crooked rake And a tomato that begun to rot He gathered these things thinking