Tomorrow I shall seize the day Tomorrow I’ll go on that run Tomorrow I’ll wake up right on ti… And get the yard work done Tomorrow I’ll finish that book
The forest we know Once formed long ago From a man whos sorrows Brought tears that could grow He wandered earth
The itsy bisty spider Came out the water spout Chased away my dog And drove my neighbors out I’ve stayed in this tree
You cant judge a book By its cover they say But you pick a flower By what looks best that day I lay outside and ask
Every one shall fear me For I’m the almighty bush If I see you waiting for the road… You might just get a push If you get to close to me
If you mixed a alligator An otter and elephant You would think it bring absolute… To all the places that it went But I was wrong, so listen carefu…
Supposedly we all have demons And boy do I wish this were true I’d have these demons do my chores And all my homework too
Hey diddle diddle you’ve reached t… And it appears you’ve not run away So try your best To finish the rest Even if it takes all the next day
They said you can’t marry a comput… You’ll never be a pair But their all wrong, you won’t bel… All the memory that we share
My brother and I Once made a bet A stake of five dollars We had set We both agreed
Tommy glee sure loved his tree, They watched the sense together fa… Then came a time in mid October, Where the wind blew so hard his tr… It survived the storms but what to…
Mother, if cranes deliver babies From where does a baby crane come? ‘The birds and the bees’ “That is how my son” If you’re going to tell stories
I let the cat out To explore the yard It scratched at the fence But the fence was to hard It laid about then swallowed
they sed you need edukashen two go sumwear in life but thats a joke just look at me ive made it here alrite
There was a man once Who did not step on cracks’ For the fear he had Of breaking his back He’d hop and he’d skip