My fellow Americans Where once we shared a collective… We called the will of the people That simultaneously tamed and expr… We have now regressed to the preci…
Mix-up can mean three things: - A state of confusion - Conflict, fight - Mixture If you said
Life = Trial by fire Death = Trial by firing squad
Self-discipline is The only real self-indulgence Everything else is self-abnegation
Why bother keeping score when death assures that things always end in a tie Soon you’ll be able to get rid of death
Starting gun to my head I’ll finish what you started And run the race By running in place
I risked loss And lost; I win
The best a mystic can say is that while none of us are one of a kind we’re all kind of a one
When a tone deaf authority insists you watch your tone it’s because they would never ask you to do something they aren’t already doing themselv…
There is only one product but infinite ways to package it
Privacy is when everyone can see you but no one is watching Surveillance is when no one can see you
What draws us towards the darkness And holds us there? It is always something our own evi… To mete out death So that we never meet death oursel…
Liberalism can be confused with ni… where you have to believe in nothi… or with Unitarian Universalism where you’re encouraged to believe… as much of everything as you like
Zionism is the hill I will die on To be buried in the ground From which the world to come Is about to burst forth
Yes, I am most afraid of losing c… But you can’t lose what you don’t… So, I’m afraid of nothing Which is how you die alone The only way to live together