When anything you think Can and will be used against you The purpose of state-funded educat… Will be learning not to think As the doyens of higher learning
When God closes one store He opens another
In true democracy Authority flows via The will of the people In our technocracy Authority grows via
It’s obvious that God is doing us… But it’s less widely acknowledged… God calls in all His favors And the only way to return the fav… Is to try and do the impossible
The biggest change Since I found God Is who I am Trying to impress Which is how you know
Lunch is born free but everywhere is in chain restaurants
I have a different problem: there are no feelings to express my words
We used to worry about selling out; now we’re terrified of not buying in
Evil is cruelty plus pleasure
In real life we used to say I’ll see your talk and raise you action but that was just too risky Preferring no stakes
The Real is meaningless but doesn’t lack meaning The Symbolic is meaningful but can lack all meaning We can only navigate
Nobody grows up wanting to be a mot– ivational speaker
The sixth extinction was hardest of all on the balloon animal artists
In inter-family feuds eventually the gloves come off but in intra-family feuds the masks come off
If new car smell lasts forever you will not be able to smell it