There are only two real superpowers: unacknowledged plagiarism and begrudging cooperation
I am a story I tell myself The story is a cover-up The cover-up is always worse than… The crime is merely the will to po… The cover-up is giving away my pow…
The crucial ingredient for random mutation to drive evolution is a surplus of time But nothing
I’m always asking God What is the meaning of life? In response, God looks at my life… What is the meaning of this?
As the world closed in the Pollyanna sought safety in numbers only to find herself taking a number
I am going to delay early retirement until everyone is middle class
I like positive reinforcement As much as the next guy And the next guy Gets a lot of likes So, it’s back to the grindstone
When the ruffian challenges the professional by querying Am I here to amuse you? the professional displays his domi…
A rising tide lifts all boats But a rising sea floods all moats
Marxism is a sadism with a simple formula: My happiness becomes real the moment yours is dematerialized
There is a place Where children are to be seen And not heard Where all the children are raised To keep up appearances
As the civil war raged on between too much, too soon and too little, too late I thought I’d found
A dissident today is anyone who realizes that since you’re damned if you do damned if you don’t
People can’t really love their ene… but they sure can love the enemy of their enemy which actually gets them awful clo… to universal love anyway
There are two types of men: Those who lie to deceive and those who by lying tell you what they really believe There is one type of woman: