Chris Gaither

Q & A

Absent the fear of God
What does materialism do
To reign in the aggressive instinct?
In the case of nihilistic gun violence
To settle petty beefs
It simply doesn’t
But in any case
When it seems like it does
It does so via projection
Which then sanctions righteous anger
Channeled through aggression towards the ones
You’ve already projected upon
(See, for example, antisemitism)
So, just as with nihilistic gun violence
It simply doesn’t;
It just takes longer not to
What is the threshold for deadly aggression
Absent the fear of God?
It is the panic
When you’re terrified that
You are who your target said you are
Which is known as the fear of the desire of the other
And is also the cause of anxiety–
The desire of the other is known and feared because
Absent God
It becomes the only source of identity
Revealing homicide and suicide
As opposite sides of the same coin–
In both cases
You are annihilating the one you momentarily blame
For the unbearable pain
Of being whom you believe you are
Who are you, really?
Only God knows the real you
Whom you come to know
By having a conversation with Him
Through living your life
In the fear of God
I’m a little confused–
Whom do you come to know,
You or God?
Who knows

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