To be the bigger person you need to realize that egos are like animals: the smaller their proportions the greater their proportional str…
In the west Since we can’t control time We just buy more time An approach used elsewhere With equally mixed results
We don’t have to take care of our… But we have no choice God doesn’t have to be with us But He always is– The choice is ours
What do you call it when people are so bored that they start playing with fire and soon enough find themselves fighting fire with fire
The difference between A garden variety bullshitter And a bullshit artist Is that bullshitting is easy But a bullshit artist
If you’ve seen one mirror you’ve seen them all
You keep the peace they get everything else
You can spend your life trying to understand why bad things happen to good people only to learn that good people do bad things
There’s nothing you can say to me that I haven’t already ignored
Decisions my wife doesn’t make are settled by stare decisis
We are connected therefore I think I am A nexus without a group
When the cat’s away the mice will be paralyzed by all the choices
I can demand control Of my fear Or I can accept That I am not in control And be not afraid
No one seems to see (least of all me) that being all you can be isn’t about clutching superiority– it’s for abjuring mediocrity
Lao Tse said of the Tao that “You can use it any way you want” Jacques Lacan further insisted th… you should only use it the way you… when he said