When Love Is a Mask for Aggression
If we know our physics is real Because GPS works Then we know our God is real Because language works
When I was a child Parents sent their kids Outside to play Now we treat children Like little adults
As Amazon Prime Minister I’m ringleader of the carefree world
When I was a kid we thought the end of the world was coming any minute via The Button Instead it came a little later
Updating Nietzsche with a nod to Vince Lombardi Art isn’t the proper task of life; it’s the only task of life if life…
My wife fell right back in love with me when we came up with a rubric
In the official version of my life I love my life In real life I love life itself
When postmodern nihilism governs w… Western elites govern by playing i… Because nothing is worth the risk
You can’t take both forks in the road but you can overpack
For every deep dive into the data there’s a data analyst with the be…
If Meta has its way Meta will be to the metaverse as God is to the universe Of course if you look God in the face
Easy to please but problematic to appease
Marxism is a sadism with a simple formula: My happiness becomes real the moment yours is dematerialized
In a post-pandemic bid to remain relevant the SATs have removed all true/false questions in acknowledgment that such questi…
I used to think the way it works i… if it’s true then you believe it Later, I thought if you believe it