Chris Gaither

Ludwig Wittgenstein’s First Name Means “Famous Warrior”, His Last Name Means “Stone of Wit”, and, Famously, He Showed Us That Our Real Battle Is Not to Outwit Ourselves

Per Wittgenstein
Words only gain meaning through their use
And they are always used in the context
Of the game being played in the moment
So, when we use words
We are always playing a language game–
In other words
Whenever we use words we are playing with them
And– right now
You and I are playing together
So far, so good?
If yes, I have a further question:
Is math a language game?
And, if you’ll pardon the pun
Yet one additional question:
Are numbers words?
Maybe there is an equation for that
As an equation is equivalent to a question
In that it uses the same letters as equation
But for replacing question’s S for seeking
With equation’s A for answer
Which, if I’m doing the math right
Means that in our equation
All questions are equivalent to equations
So, words are indeed equivalent to numbers
And, in the final equation
Questions are answers
Any questions?
Better yet, let’s play

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