Socialism insists You should want what you need Capitalism connives To make you need what you want When in truth
I can love God forever Or I can have a beautiful bust of… And gaze upon it until I die Or, even better Upload the image of my bust to the…
We are only here for a short time So, you might ask What are we for? Believe it or not, we are for God Doubling down
The decisive moment at the gates o… is exactly like the denouement in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? but with one twist To make you feel the pressure
If you cut off an arm you are left with a stump to which you affix a prosthetic If you cut off a face you are left with a mask
At first everyone was to be followed by a p… to protect us from terrorists or kill us if we were terrorists But then it was decided that
If they were ever only attacking a… there’d be nor real need for the l… But the act of distorting an idea is always a pretext to the taking… So, you’ll know it’s a strawman fa…
You seem to have caught me in a gr… But it can’t be at all my fault if As you’ll see in the hieroglyph My back is to the cliff Over which the lemmings drift
Time tells a story and linear time is a plot device we’ve made up, call it a time machine, to advance the plot
Abiding means to wait expectantly, defiantly, or submiss… and I typically manage all three in the grocery store checkout line even in the express lane
You’ve used others When you use your talents To serve yourself You’ve used God When you use your talents
I went to bed after a gabfest and had a bad dream that I woke up on, nay in, silent retreat
The opposite of a gun to my head Is a claim on my heart And, claim on my heart I’d say The truth will get you
When at last my colleagues convinced me to go out after work and I’d relaxed enough to drop my… everyone could finally see my helm…
As the civil war raged on between too much, too soon and too little, too late I thought I’d found