I always thought it didn’t matter if human beings really had free will as long as they experienced the wo… as if they did;
Women give hints So that men will think It was their idea I’ve never been good at taking a h… But I’m good at following orders
There is only one product but infinite ways to package it
Every night when Smokey Bear would tuck me in… the last thing he always said was Only you can prevent forest fires
The narcissist has just the one advantage but it’s all that he needs: Instead of looking his true self i… he gets to look his false self in…
History always repeats itself And we find ourselves once more On the banks of the Red Sea Under extreme duress To put it mildly
The devil’s one job Is making you an offer You can’t refuse And there’s only one thing The devil can’t offer
If you pull my heartstring I’ll say one of eleven pre-recorded phrases but you can only hear the ones in the first four dimensions
True belonging Allows for truth So, we belong to no one Even though we deserve each other
I knew Remain was in trouble when they announced that a vote fo… was also a vote in favor of renami… Brexit McBrexitface
Scientists insist that 95% of the… consists of undetectable, unknowab… because this belief makes their ca… Like you and me the little that they do know
The American far left lacks a unifying Great Leader because as a cult of narcissists each disparate member belongs to their own
If life is the in-breath and death the out-breath we presume that by ridding ourselves of death we’ll live an infinite in-breath
The difference between God and ma… When we get up to our usual shenan… God always says Frankly my dear, I do give a damn
Given the current nostalgia for shared reality we shouldn’t forget that peak shared reality was mutually assured destruction