Chris Gaither

I Have Faith That Self-doubt Motivates Me Until I Run Out of Doubt, Leaving Me With Self-motivation

The ontological proof tells us
It is impossible to doubt God–
Any such doubt is proof
That we just need to think bigger
This much is uncontroversial
Because it has proven impervious to doubt
But what people don’t want to accept
Is the further implication that
All doubt is self-doubt
Leading in turn to the hard truth that
Life isn’t about proving God
Who is beyond a doubt
But about proving yourself
Which must be worked on six days at a time
With one day of rest in between
Of course, you can only come to rest on solid ground–
It’s called Shabbos
And it will prove you right every time
For at least another six days
Those six days being a mere lifetime
While Shabbos will go on forever

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