Most tautologies are self-fulfilling prophecies For example: Most people are average But God never met
If you take a hot-blooded child and raise him in a cold-blooded cu… don’t be surprised when you get a lukewarm-blooded vulture
The most common rookie mistake is thinking that because you know what you were saved from that you also know what you were saved for
The epic poem for this epoch will have to say the most with the least
The original version’s working title was The Giveth and Taketh Away Tree but Silverstein couldn’t get it published
On a gray scale Of one to ten I’m a perfect five
The ego is a helicopter equipped to safeguard belonging deter conflict and elevate status
Social media is proof of concept That you can please Some of the people all of the time And this starts to feel mighty pow… But this feeling is a forgetting
The days of having a cold spell have given way to the era of casting a cold spell
You both cause and cure real self-… by performing fake self-loathing for an online audience The cure takes when you’ve no authentic self left
Relationships are hard work unless you’ve preemptively announc… that you’re quitting but staying on as a volunteer
Those who were once just foaming at the mouth have been rebooted by social media… fomenting at the mouth
Everyone has a shoe size and a city size– I wear an 11 and a half and a 600,000
Everybody wants to rule the world And along come the Jews Claiming that God rules the world But nobody wants God to rule the… Because everybody wants to rule th…
There’s always been a method to our madness Its latest name is the scientific method The madness is believing in