Sublimating the Will to Power Into Art Is Our Only Hope
Imagine the disappointment when we… both wearing Velcro singlets but each fashioned from the softer… with nary a hook between us
At night in the city you can only see three stars but you still have to give them five stars
When people ask Business or pleasure? I want to say Life’s only pleasure Is unfinished business
The never-ending apocalyptic refra… may just be yet another version of death’s denial: The world must be ending
When we imagine the future, we say One day Because One day is the name of a day As in New Year’s Day
Unsatisfied with turning on the T… to take our minds off things we’ve taken to turning our minds o…
Immortality still involves death Because we all still fear death Enough to die from it Moshiach will be the one Whose immortality eliminates death
Every ego is a God complex And like you I almost had myself convinced that I am who I am
If you want to win friends and inf… Find out what they care about (This is easy) Ask them about it (This is significantly harder)
Once the cost of AI turns negligi… the world to come becomes inexorab… and as conditions grow unintelligi… just know that you and I are repli… into beings who are far more execu…
It wasn’t until I earned my MBA that I understood the second comin… as an incredible opportunity for r… e.g, think about the implications… Jesus updated from sandals to toe…
Just because we’re not in control Doesn’t mean we’re out of control The rest is commentary
You’ll know the movement for justice has ceased when everyone and everything comes to a standstill
In my culture low hanging fruit is considered a delicacy
“A quantum state is not an element… instead, it represents the degrees… about the possible outcomes of mea… Just so: A mental state is not an element o…