If life is the in-breath and death the out-breath we presume that by ridding ourselves of death we’ll live an infinite in-breath
The state of nature, where there’s Something for everyone To fear Monotheism, where there’s Something for everyone
While loved ones may or may not have the chance to say goodbye to the
People are like whales who have gotten sick of plankton
Antisemitism is suddenly easy to f… It’s a mile wide and just scratch the surface an inch deep– You’ll find it there
While I was waiting for them to come to their senses they came to my house
It was an open secret that on his day off Sisyphus liked to go downhill skii…
Money is our failed attempt To materialize trust Making true wealth An unshakable trust
Whistler’s mother had just spent a long day with Whis– tler’s mother-in-law
I used to pretend that Kafka’s The Trial was my favorite book but these days I bring a courtroom stenographer with me
There is no theory of quantum grav… Because– Einstein notwithstanding– No one understands gravity There is no theory of God
How many introverts does it take to change a light bulb? None– We turn to an inner light
I was always trying to find The signal in the noise Until I found God And discovered that It’s all signal
The ferocity of narcissistic rage Is in direct proportion to the dis… The depths of their contempt And the heights of their self-rega… Healing for the narcissist will on…
Reasonable people can disagree By agreeing to disagree But unreasonable people Can’t disagree on anything So, they have to agree on everythi…