He was the greatest hero From a time that’s long and passed He cleans the streets to this day Though he now gets easily gassed They found him wondering in a park…
When you look at the world flat You see nothing but squares It all looks the same Lines all put in pairs Faces look straight
If you walk past me Oh, the things you would not know There’s plenty of stories and tale… If you stop to say hello
They finally caught him Old no neck nick They tried plenty before But he gave them the slip He’s short and he’s quick
I saw the troll That lived under the bridge But he wasn’t scary not one smidge His hair was greasy And teeth all jagged
whats this do? I have no clue its mechanics look quite clever oh look at the time
Hey so umm yeah uh well you Umm see uh I was uh starting to w… Um well uh if you well maybe possi… Had a phone number…
Mean Jean The pie eating queen For miles wide She could be seen She’d eat the crusts
This is the boat of issues come on hop in here son “I don’t know if theres room to fit” “who’s one here?”
I let the cat out To explore the yard It scratched at the fence But the fence was to hard It laid about then swallowed
Everyone knows of the billy goat g… In every dark alley and valley the… Whenever wolves go out, they go ou… For if the gang catches them they… The walls are tagged with their ma…
My girl and me Could never be For were kept apart By the sea I built a boat
they sed you need edukashen two go sumwear in life but thats a joke just look at me ive made it here alrite
My brother and I Once made a bet A stake of five dollars We had set We both agreed
I just witnessed a crime what do… Do I tell the cops what I had to… But I’m afraid if I do I’ll get… Since one had looked at me Oh well here it goes