Into the room the child had run I have super powers his story begu… I can see through walls For real no lies So the parents got up
If I was a ghost for a day There’s so much I would do Like fill the sinks with orange ju… And take everyone’s left shoe Id paint pink polka dots
Life’s like a puzzle With pieces thrown all about You have to put it together Until the pieces run all out Sometimes it’s finished
Alone lived a man Who only drank glue The cause of his problems Is what no one knew As a child he’d get sick
If you cant reach out to someone because a someones what you lack reach out to yourself because you’ll always have your ba…
My shadow and I Once played hide and go seek I closed both eyes Not once did i peek I counted to the highest number
My parents trained the dog To let me know When dinner was ready So in I’d go I once came home late
Carry a stamp if you need Carry markers, make sure they blee… Carry a pencil, a pen, a knife Carry these with you all of your l… Carry a chisel, carve in bark
There sat a house Above the ocean They say when in it To not cause commotion If it were to teeter
This is the boat of issues come on hop in here son “I don’t know if theres room to fit” “who’s one here?”
There was a man With the largest of eyes They said he could see For miles wide A job as a lookout
They say you can grow up to become what ever you want to be but I’ll tell you what thats completely wrong if you want to become a tree
My friend dared me once To get a hair cut He agreed in return To get punched in the gut I grabbed my scissors
He heard the damsel screaming As he stabbed the dragon through He knew he’d be her hero Since heroes are now few He climbed up the crooked tower
When you look at the world flat You see nothing but squares It all looks the same Lines all put in pairs Faces look straight