I gathered up my feelings and put them in a box I hid it in my attic and sealed it with a lock since then my girl left me
I’ll grab one part you grab the other then well run away from each other if it tares there’s no winner
I know there must be some place aw… A place to call home that’s drive… An old log home, where friends wai… A hammock waiting on the beach nea… A t.v playing reruns of an old fav…
If you mixed a alligator An otter and elephant You would think it bring absolute… To all the places that it went But I was wrong, so listen carefu…
Hello is this Houston It’s the man on the moon Yah life up heres great And theirs plenty of room I’ve found no life
He gathered up used paper A broken mug and coffee pot A cracked plate, a crooked rake And a tomato that begun to rot He gathered these things thinking
He was the greatest hero From a time that’s long and passed He cleans the streets to this day Though he now gets easily gassed They found him wondering in a park…
Jane and I thought to build a ufo Thered be no limit to where we wou… We’d go beyond where boats would r… We’d escape the chilling winter sn… It would be full of lights to put…
Watch were you’re going Don’t stare at your feet For every smile that you pass Is one you’ll never meet
It’s been a week Since I left my house The snows blocked me in And I can’t get out It’s really a bother
Yes I am a vampire But that does not mean I suck blo… I’m rather friendly give me a try There is no reason to run Now I beg you don’t fret
I always tuck my tongues Down into my socks I wouldn’t want them to scrape the… And have to taste the rocks I look out for my shoes
Mean Jean The pie eating queen For miles wide She could be seen She’d eat the crusts
This mouths for sale, this mouths… Please I’m willing to barter This mouths for sale, this mouths… Running it’s easy, selling it’s ha… This mouths for sale, this mouths…
Never go to the circus You wont return the same My image is ruined and a tent is to blame I entered fit