It could be the truth if it couldn’t go viral But it’s definitely pravda if it speeds our downward spiral
Chapter 1- Defense Mechanisms, an… We all defend ourselves– If you are unprepared to defend yo… It just means that Your defense is unconscious
By preserving crucial memories Your amygdala prepares for the fut… Through understanding the past By digging strategic memory holes The internet controls the present
Two roads diverged the one to the left leading up the garden path the one to the right leading down the garden path
I changed My mind By following My heart
When they locked down the third pl… (Houses of worship) And made the first two places (Home and work) Into one place
I put out a comedy album Side A was called Wins Side B was called Losses Only one side was funny
All cars have always been getaway cars because they tell the world how much you’re getting away with but now all cars are SUVs
We spend most of our waking lives alternating between procrastinatio… and delayed gratification as if by putting things off we’ve bought ourselves more time
You can’t put a square peg in a round hole but you can put a JPEG in a memory hole
In the old country song When Mac Davis sings “Oh lord it’s hard to be humble When you’re perfect in every way” I always assumed
In a few years we’ll all look back on liberal democracy and fake laugh
The passage from thinking we are more intelligent than other animals because we have more power to realizing that we have
Our glass Is an hourglass And whether it is half-full Or half-empty Time is running out
It’s a modern miracle: With social media You can finally Have your fake And be it too