I can’t just let go of my past I have to lose a tug of war and get third degree rope burns
It’s not that I’ve often taken leave of my senses but that I can never take a hint
I may look like a tall glass of water but be– ware, I’m half empty
The question isn’t: Why is there something rather than nothing? It’s: Why does it mean something
People complain that religion tell… missing the point that it enables… other people telling you what to d…
The never-ending apocalyptic refra… may just be yet another version of death’s denial: The world must be ending
You’ve met your femme fa– tale when you can’t stop wishful thinking about her
Inasmuch as handling gold is always a thorny affair all gold is rose gold but black gold
If I were going to rephrase the O… I’d say I believe in God because There’s no better explanation And if I were going to re-explain…
When I listen to the blues I can’t stop thinking of advice I’d give
Physicists insist that time can flow both forward and backward So, I always insist on sitting in the backward facing seats of th… because I need to be able to see
When things were easy going it was easy to believe you were on the up and up But when the going got tough suddenly you were going
We’re all like unharvested potatoe… covered in dirt thinking that means we’ve got the dirt on each other
It’s counterintuitive but refusing to make hard choices only to see them made on your beha… by the loudest voices still counts as being hoisted by y…
I am going to delay early retirement until everyone is middle class