This is a much simpler question than What does a woman want? Hamas wants to kill all Jews in Israel
I often find myself telling God That according to the terms of the… You get what you need God insists I come to terms with the implicati…
We used to be able to talk to each… About the world Because we could always say Present company excluded But now that every screen
Takeoff always happens just as we are running out of runway
Why bother keeping score when death assures that things always end in a tie Soon you’ll be able to get rid of death
The Cookie Monster is just living up to the name Kermit gave him
I thought I was too smart for my own good But happily, I’d overestimated my… and I was just smart enough to be vaporous
As human beings Every last one of us Is trying to get away with somethi… So, give thanks to God– He will never let us get away
The brain is the heart’s fifth chamber and I am the chambermaid
The Imaginary: I disagree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it The Symbolic:
If there is one thing we can all agree on it’s moral certainty
The Kantian ethic of treating oth… never really took off largely because Immanuel overlooke… rather obvious catchy slogan: Love squanders all
Blood is thicker than water Unless it’s blood From a turnip
When the cat’s away the mice will be paralyzed by all the choices
You’re supposed to love everybody but everybody knows that’s putting all of your eggs in one ba… so everybody eggs each other on in making a western omelet