Chris Gaither

Our Story Has the Best Ending You Can Possibly Imagine

It’s Called Olem Haba

Our faith will be tested
And this test isn’t pass/fail;
It’s life and death–
Life is our test,
Death is our grade,
And everyone dies
Because everyone fails
But fear not
We all get to keep taking the test
Over and over again
Until the very best of us
Completes the cycle:
Fail again.
Fail better.
Fail best.
What might that look like?
Every Shabbos is one-sixtieth of the world to come
So, on the first six days of the week
The very best of us–
Will fail ten times better than the rest of us
Which, if my math is correct
After six times
Will be a total of sixty times better
When the seventh day begins
As the sun on this world goes down
The world to come dawns in the darkness
That is the light
Of total failure become our greatest success–
Shedding our fear of the dark
Because we are the light
Let there be light

Autres oeuvres par Chris Gaither...
