The fear of God is hard to define… Like many things You know it when you see it Which is whenever you witness some… Summon the courage to do what must…
By preserving crucial memories Your amygdala prepares for the fut… Through understanding the past By digging strategic memory holes The internet controls the present
We think of death As the worst-case scenario But what if In the best-case scenario Death is the answer to a question?
If you would remake the world In your own image Then I can only imagine You believe you’ve thought of ever…
Here’s the deal: You have no say in any of this but that doesn’t mean you can’t still have your way if you learn to see things our way
The only way to know you’re not paranoid is to stay connected at all times so you can rest assured
Given a choice I’d rather open a restau– rant than my marriage
As Amazon Prime Minister I’m ringleader of the carefree world
I trusted the process It wrought processed food I’m still processing
Raised with reverse psychology– Love your enemy– It was only once The world was turned upside down That I saw things as they really…
Civilization began when a discussion group convened to debate the meaning of the phras… The less said, the better
I remember saying to myself Okay, this is it the moment of truths
A record sounds the same every time you play it A broken record is intolerable because it isn’t broken, it’s just…
Your soul is mission control And Houston We have a problem Literally Problem is
Inasmuch as handling gold is always a thorny affair all gold is rose gold but black gold