Is being a conformist without a cause enough to qualify me as an antihero
You can’t put a square peg in a round hole but you can put a JPEG in a memory hole
Six days of innovation One day of relaxation I guarantee: Creation!
We don’t understand our childhoods so we spend our adult lives reenacting them in the hope that an outside observer
There was once a time when No Jews allowed Meant No Jews allowed But now they say
I always thought everybody was saying It’s better to be safe, then sorry
Many people think of life as a gift but to me it’s more like
I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid, I’m afraid not I’m afraid
Before Descartes, you had to prove yourself with deeds After Descartes, you could prove yourself with words It’s been a war of words ever sinc…
Apocalypse now in the eternal now
I’m no angel But I have two angels– One to protect me from others And one to protect me from myself So, I was never alone
In 2019 KLM Airlines began advertising that you should take the train instead; it felt like being asked to open up the marriage
The essay portion of the test Was explaining why The test only consists Of multiple-choice questions So, I wrote:
The truth is always at a disadvant… because while you can harness truth in service of a lie you can’t tell lies
Everyone has a gift in life and mine is knowing exactly how much I can bid in a silent auction without winning