Having priced myself Out of the market I’ve rebranded as generic
According to Exxon Mobil absolute solar power corrupts absolutely
When we poll people about what the weather in heaven is like the most popular answer perhaps not surprisingly is like a cold day in hell
In the state of nature You live by the sword And die by the sword In civilization The pen is mightier
Like the distended sleeve On the fake Gordon Gartrell Denise made for Theo A giraffe’s long neck Reveals it as
Who says ye cannae change the laws… Where before Every action had An equal and opposite reaction Now every reaction
I’m getting much better at recognizing my wife’s subtle hi… like when she recently put mosquit… over her side of the bed
All forms of certainty are mutations of knowing that you must die which is why the true believer is always the most likely
In Let there be plight the P is silent
You can’t believe without doubt But if you only believe in doubt Then you’re doubting doubt Which is like Exhaling and exhaling
Antisemitism is suddenly easy to f… It’s a mile wide and just scratch the surface an inch deep– You’ll find it there
The difference between poisonous snakes and venomous human beings is that when the snake bites you and explains
I want to believe in God I believe in UFOs I don’t believe in recycling I don’t want to believe in what th…
I grew up listening to Barbara St… You don’t bring me flowers anymore and determined I’d never make that… Ten years into marriage my wife sa… Don’t bring me flowers anymore
I have a prediction to make: We can’t predict the ending But when it’s all said and done Everything will seem obvious For example,