Rest assured AI will give us exactly what we d… Because the devil is gentle but fa… Whereas God is tough but more tha…
You will find The courage to be great If you first Dare to be grateful
In wristwatch advertisements the doomsday clock is always set to ten past ten
In families adept at keeping open secrets no one expects you to state the obvious
The lion hasn’t lain down with the lamb if, in its slumber the lion dreams it’s a lamb
Your life is just a reflection of… So, imagine what would happen if The first cause was your first pri… In the beginning It just might cause you
I’m not scared of the explicit danger I’m afraid of the implicit threats
So, how did we survive? We felt God’s Presence OMG, we would have never thought…
As mysterious as the caterpillar bursting into the butterfly a lifetime of following all the ru… somehow prepared them to change all the rules
It was all systems go in my search for a new belief syst… until I realized all systems go too far
If you really loved robins you would stuff your bird feeder full of worms
Pressure is wanting it for someone else Passion is wanting it
When I started telling my employe… Apologies in advance! they still felt compelled by decor… No apologies needed which was how I ended exploitation
Our civilization has gotten around God’s injunction to be our brother… by being our little brother’s book…
It’s counterintuitive but refusing to make hard choices only to see them made on your beha… by the loudest voices still counts as being hoisted by y…