My life as ode to permission seeking was just a road to perdition strictly speaking Broadly speaking
I’m not scared of the explicit danger I’m afraid of the implicit threats
Every ego is a God complex And like you I almost had myself convinced that I am who I am
If you want to know what the quarantine was like for me walk a mile in my new leather sweatpants
Either Life imitates art and becomes an exhibition Or Art Imitates Life
It is said that The truth will set you free And while this may be true It goes without saying that Lies will give you power over othe…
If Star Wars is actually told From R2-D2’s perspective Then our only hope Is that God lets us go on believi… We are more powerful
Life can seem meaningless But I’ve found that Meaning is never lifeless
What is the internet? It’s not a thing in space and time It’s a nothing in timeless cybersp… You could represent it with– “The symbol zero denoting the abse…
As the enormous asteroid hurtled toward Earth I found myself working harder than ever
All art’s politi– cal but some art is more re– ligious than others
Life is trying So Die trying
I often find myself telling God That according to the terms of the… You get what you need God insists I come to terms with the implicati…
God knows that the only thing you can give the man who has everything is another chance
The human condition is either thinking that we’re free when we’re actually held captive or thinking that we’re captive when we’re actually free