At judgment day they put the brief in debriefing by getting right to the point: You could have made a difference– Did you?
The American cure for the boredom of meaninglessness is not to pursue meaning but to outpace boredom which is why our mass nihilism
Guilt is intolerable which is why “I can explain everything” is processed into “I have a theory which explains ev…
They say Believing that God has a plan for… Is a fantasy But unless you believe in God His plan for you is
The free food programs during the pandemic were great So, to compensate people began to ration love
Monotheism is true; Liberalism works Put them together and The true works
Facing a fate worse than death– Immortality with neither body nor… Because Nothing ventured, nothing lost– Life is worth dying for
The best way to prevent something from happenin… is to convince people that it already did
Asked for his thoughts on God the materialist replied Nothing doing The mystic said Exactly
When your mind is transparent Your body becomes invisible Because once they’ve made certain You’re thinking all the right thou… They’ll never give you another tho…
Even when I’ve had sweet dreams Sleeping leaves a bad taste in my… Because even good dreams are bad d… Since the worst thing you can do t… Is to fulfill his wishes
I don’t get mad I get odd
As social animals the central question of our lives asked and answered answered and asked day upon day
The Declaration of Independence w… revised to guarantee life, security and the pursuit of criminals
2/3 of the Earth Is covered by water So, most of the underground Is under water Accordingly, in dreams