It’s when all the signs say Everything must go
The heat of mutual disdain that always sustained us in person has cooled with depersonalized cam… that detain us via cursor
When a tone deaf authority insists you watch your tone it’s because they would never ask you to do something they aren’t already doing themselv…
Living during COVID-19 Was like trying to eat A bag of individually wrapped M&M…
Anticipation or dread work equally well at stopping time though the length of the work week
Maybe We’re all Late bloomers
Our lightweight cat litter develop… hit a speed bump when we realized it was worth its weight in gold
They say Believing that God has a plan for… Is a fantasy But unless you believe in God His plan for you is
The critique of pure reason should have been that rational thought is impossible unless paired effectively with fee… As AI reaches escape velocity
We’re always free to serve ourselves– Liberation is the process of freely choosing to serve others
Where the Cold War was Spy vs. Spy The Psyberwar is Psy vs. Psy
My organizing principle Is that everyone wants to be princ… Unless they realize that God is p… And that for God Everyone is principal
We fear that the long game Is a long, lost game Because we find ourselves lost Forgetting how, on the surface of… We can plow forward in trust
Mid-life crisis: the failure to start hoping you don’t get what you want
If you need to be in control Your life becomes a reaction Because human beings can have all… Just as long as It’s damage control