Unconditional love is unbearable so there’s always at least one unspoken rule given to its recipie… Just don’t waste it on them
I have not loved my neighbor as my… but I have consistently greeted hi… with an insouciant bonhomie
Tech’s greatest feat is maintaining the illusion that we’re finally rid of the middle man when in fact
The duel with yourself is whether Your life will be a duel with God Or a duel against others This is the fight of your life And you have two hands
Insanity is thinking you can ever get what you want and devoting your life to getting it
The only colleges left standing will be the ones that can make you look smart while you’re playing dumb
With God as my witness I can look and then see With man as my witness I can’t see, but I can touch With AI as my witness
I hope to live several decades more making it odd to know so very well what they’ll put
It used to be that We could feed our souls By serving others Or feed our egos By serving ourselves
God’s not buying it Until you own it– Are we clear?
Everyone thinks Vladimir and Estr… stay together because they’re both waiting for Godot when really it’s their mutual disdain for Wile E. Coyote
The conceit of individualism was that you could have a type without even wondering if you might be a type
The genius of Big Tech’s business… is its simplicity: Get people to pay for what they had previously accessed for free
Did we stop playing the long game because it is the wrong game or is it only the wrong game because we’ve long since stopped p… Or is asking that question more of…
Anticipation or dread work equally well at stopping time though the length of the work week