When you have to share everything else you can still hog the blame pie
We lost our way when we ran out of time and into eternity because space without time
When life gives you A bottomless pit Fill it with Bottomless fries
Everybody wants to rule the world And along come the Jews Claiming that God rules the world But nobody wants God to rule the… Because everybody wants to rule th…
The only thing Bigger than my ego Is God’s plan for me
There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and antisemitism
Your search for a vein is now done in vain under the soft tyranny of wireless narcotics in whose touchless embrace
Serve (one another) and Play (together)
Civilization is an attempt to filibuster death
There are only two questions: Are we asking the right question? and Who gets the last word?
One person can never predict the future but two people can if they get married This is a clue
The arts say What can’t be said While agitprop tells us What can be said In a game of
Human cloning only started to take… Once it became clear that The original becomes a copy of the…
Now that I’m wearing a mask I find myself telling strangers everything
I couldn’t believe that my first e… was still carrying a torch for me and then I saw all my other ex’s b… carrying a pitch fork