Hello is this Houston It’s the man on the moon Yah life up heres great And theirs plenty of room I’ve found no life
I had a starring contest With the wall I sat there all day But to my dismay I did not win at all
There once was a man from Nantuck… Who sat out and played on his buck… He was joined by a singer from Ma… Who’s blues so sweet, would make i… Together they’d play, nearly every…
Hey diddle diddle you’ve reached t… And it appears you’ve not run away So try your best To finish the rest Even if it takes all the next day
I let the cat out To explore the yard It scratched at the fence But the fence was to hard It laid about then swallowed
He was the greatest gladiator That came from a distant land He never had to pick up a sword All he threw was sand He knew what he was doing
Stack your Problems Up real High Stack
Someone left out this nice metal b… It warm inside and not even locked I crawled in the box and decided t… But awoke to find I was covered i…
I made a 42 decker sandwich With every ingredient inside But upon seeing a tear was brought… And for days and days it sat as I… For I simply cannot open my mouth…
There sat a house Above the ocean They say when in it To not cause commotion If it were to teeter
Don’t step in puddles If you enjoy your leg Id rather you not Have to walk Wobbly with a peg
I asked jane if I could kiss her But she said she suffered from a t… I asked Brooke out lots But her stomachs always in knots And with Claire I’ve always tried
I saw the troll That lived under the bridge But he wasn’t scary not one smidge His hair was greasy And teeth all jagged
So I tried to talk to that girl t… But not a single word could be fou… So I decided to just go out back And bury my head in the ground
This poems the worst Nothing like the first My ideas are scattered about And the pages run out I’ve got better things to do