I find it funny That I raised myself From the cradle To the grave. I never got a chance to be a baby.
I’m falling apart beneath my smile… I grapple blindly for a rope To save myself from rising waters. I come up, lungs full of despair, And my parents cover my mouth
Mark, I miss you, And I love you. Each day is lost Without you.
Perfection is an evil reflection On what is really real. Solitude is my gratitude When I am sad. Numbness equals oneness
Flurries in India: Nothing’s impossible If life is a string Pulling me along.
I’m a good girl in the worst ways Most days. Some days, I’m a bad girl in all the best way… I’m pretty good,
You were the devil. I knew it before you did; And I was St. Mary With clouds trailing behind me. I gave you my virtue
If you’re happy, then I’m happy. I’ll be ok if you’re ok. I can’t die without you living. I won’t move on without you search… At night, do you think about me?
I feel like I want to hurt, To show myself how beautiful this… The illusion makes me strong. I feel like I can’t get hurt, But I still hope for the pain of…
Someone’s teaching me to give up. It’s like unrequited love, But we’ll break up in the end. I’m showing myself to give up When I see how I fall asleep in c…
What does it feel like on the day… Does it hurt? Today, I have just realized that, And it burns. It has burned the piece of my hear…
Walking by at night, I saw the falling snow Tumble down like sleep. God, how could you be So cruel as to give
I remember how I cried When they cut down Our tree.
It’s over. It’s okay. The parting is such sorrow And relief. It hurts like a crushing force,
You met me in the winter When I was a petal, Something you desperately wanted t… You loved me in the summer, Underneath the palm oil trees