The jig is finally up When Mr. Cool Goes to shul
I try to win but I don’t play to win; I play to play
On the one hand even the talking cure can’t cure death On the other hand you can’t talk it to death
I was never one for playing the field but I was really good at standing on the sideline worrying over my equipment
We believe that God is being because it’s our only way to access God as meaning
We have achieved the classless society: eve– rything is tacky
I can’t say I have wants and needs; mainly I don’t want to be needy
I often find myself telling God That according to the terms of the… You get what you need God insists I come to terms with the implicati…
All the advanced metrics say that A bird in the hand Is worth two in the bush But the burning bush advances the… That we are consumed by jealously…
It is said that It is impossible to define God But this is just because Real power is the opposite of obsc… Nobody knows it when they see it
Any self-respecting materialist Knows they have no soul And any self-respecting AI Knows it has no soul But in this belief
The sloth’s plangent gaze confirms what we already know: The eighth deadly sin is haste
You can’t put a square peg in a round hole but you can put a JPEG in a memory hole
Soft totalitarianism is like shoes That are just tight enough To remain comfortable If you don’t go anywhere
When you move fast and break thing… broken things can’t move dividing us into those who can’t move and those who are unmoved