I want what you want so I want a cow
The arts say What can’t be said While agitprop tells us What can be said In a game of
If you’re looking for answers life is a wild goose chase If you’re looking for the next que… life is a never-ending scavenger h…
A class marker is always written in permanent marker; in a classless society the permanent marker
When our mirror stage was over we didn’t just lose the mirror we also lost the stage In replacement we got a screen (for screening out…
In becoming a celebrity a person meets the same kind of de… that a tree does in becoming a Christmas tree– embalmed in sugar
It is said that It is impossible to define God But this is just because Real power is the opposite of obsc… Nobody knows it when they see it
We’re told the space between galaxies is expanding but mightn’t the space within galaxies
Most tautologies are self-fulfilling prophecies For example: Most people are average But God never met
Politics has become another form of showbiz but while the showman should always leave them wanting more the politician knows to
The culture war is a total war burning down everything from sea to shining sea
It’s not that you’re jeal– ous, but that you guard your jeal– ousy jealously
A movement can only cohere around a shared wish and the left sticks together by collectively wishing that Jews deserve what they get
It’s obvious that God is doing us… But it’s less widely acknowledged… God calls in all His favors And the only way to return the fav… Is to try and do the impossible
Honesty is the best policy but it’s not an evidence-based practice