Chris Gaither

The Force Is Strong in Each of Us, Which is Why “You Can’t Win, Darth.” You see, God Always Turns Each of Us to the Light Before It Is Too Late, So, It’s Never Too Late for Any of Us

If God is good
Then why are people so often evil?
It might help if you think of it like this:
Just as we can all access
The light side of the Force
Through our Yetzer Tov–
Our good inclination–
We can also access the dark side of the Force
Through our Yetzer Hara–
Our evil inclination
Know that the Force is ultimately in the hands of God
And that when you act on your Yetzer Tov
And fail
God unfailingly turns this to the good
And, unaccountably
When you act on your Yetzer Hara
And succeed
God succeeds where you failed
And turns this too
To the good

Other works by Chris Gaither...
