Excuse me, Are you still Taking excuses?
If we know our physics is real Because GPS works Then we know our God is real Because language works
Loving others is the only sure sou… Why do we love them? Just for being there and enabling…
In the west Since we can’t control time We just buy more time An approach used elsewhere With equally mixed results
When at last my colleagues convinced me to go out after work and I’d relaxed enough to drop my… everyone could finally see my helm…
We don’t understand our childhoods so we spend our adult lives reenacting them in the hope that an outside observer
In real life we used to say I’ll see your talk and raise you action but that was just too risky Preferring no stakes
Natural disaster was always an act of God With climate change we’ve made it our own
They say love it or leave it yet what do you do if you love your country but it leaves you
Inasmuch as handling gold is always a thorny affair all gold is rose gold but black gold
I have just complet– ed my memoirs: One Hundred Years of Solid Food
The only thing Bigger than my ego Is God’s plan for me
I’ve never been one who just takes… I’ve only been able to see if I s… Now I’m middle-aged, the whole wo… My rose-colored glasses have fast… Turned into reading glasses throug…
Social media– the bureaucracy of the people– is an eternal now where you always have just enough time
The most common form of fooling ourselves isn’t thinking we’ve got everyone fooled… It’s denial that we’ve fooled anyo…