In my third marriage I went all in on being present in the moment When she left she said that being with me
God is equal parts Ardor and candor But we can’t get a handle on True love
In an online community You don’t have to commute But your sins will never be commut…
Having priced myself Out of the market I’ve rebranded as generic
During the lockdown you were still technically allowed to exercise outdoors but I rigged up
All words are defined by other words except for God’s rule
When we asked Jesus to explain the mechanics of the last being first He answered in yet another parable… It’s like when you’re playing tug…
Tom Brady keeps a portrait of him… that is becoming progressively more likable
The easiest way to tell that climate change is a new religion is that it allows for plenty of missed deadlines
You can’t quite see it but Moe also pokes Curly right in his third eye
I could do a passable moonwalk in socks on linoleum but if I put on one glove I had to take off one sock
I believe because I doubt sounds absurd until you realize that if there’s no doubt about it you are not free to choose
I used to believe that if no one was unwanted there would be no more Wanted post… Now I think that because we can never stop wanting
Father knows best practice is to ask your mother
When I started telling my employe… Apologies in advance! they still felt compelled by decor… No apologies needed which was how I ended exploitation